Programmer Postmortem

I was the programmer for the game.

On the board I do have 21 hours although most of those hours are just from the tiles and randomization thing and I would say it did take me that long as I spend around 7 hours each week working on the programing.

Link for Tile matching and randomization :

The most difficult part of the project for me was getting the tile system done as I didn't really have any idea how to do that and when I tried to look stuff up there wasn't really a whole lot of information about making a matching game so I had to figure it out myself and because of the way I did the tile system it was a bit difficult to make it random but I did figure it out but the thing was when I exported it into the actual project file when the tiles spawned they would spawn the wrong way and I never figured out how to fix that.

I learned that whenever I do programing again I need to learn how to use arrays because I think I could have saved myself some time if I actually learned arrays because I didn't really use them a lot and even one of my team members suggested that I should have used them. 

Even though it's not the best way of doing it I still liked how the tile system turned just figuring out how to make it work makes me proud of myself for figuring it out by myself and even thought it was simple to do I do like out the menus came out although I think it was probably just because it was so simple to do.

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